Saturday, May 30, 2015

The McEntire Legacy: 3.2

“The baby will be due any minute,” Allyson told her son as they ate the delicious breakfast she had prepared. she was becoming quite the cook, especially since she had a lot of free time. She was unemployed, so her main job was to be a mother.

“I can’t wait!” Alex said stuffing food into his face enthusiastically.

“Me neither,” Allyson said smiling down at her belly. She had become a very good mother and loved Alex dearly. She knew she would love her future children too. She had surprised herself with her motherly instincts, and like Tyler, was ready to have several more children.

Shirley was born the very next morning, and Allyson was thrilled to have a daughter. She was cute as a button, and Allyson couldn’t wait to bond with her as mother and daughter.

Tyler, of course, loved Shirley just as dearly as he loved Alex. He would spend minutes just gazing at her as he held her in his arms.

Alex was fascinated by his baby sister and loved to visit her in her crib. His favorite thing to do was make funny faces at her and try to get a reaction.

“Alex, let the baby sleep,” Allyson called, her mother senses tingling, all the way from the kitchen.

Shirley grew to be a beautiful little girl with golden blonde hair just like her mother’s. The two were especially close, as mother and daughter often are.

Shirley and Alex spent a lot of time together since they both liked intellectual pursuits. They loved to play chess together, but Shirley was never any match for Alex.

“Check mate!” Alex said proudly after winning yet another game.

“Again?!” Shirley whined.

“Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll let you win next time,” Alex teased.

“I want to win fair and square!” Shirley said with an indignant sniff.

“Have it your way,” Alex said, setting up the board for another game.

With two young children and Tyler’s full time job, he and Allyson struggled to find time together. He always made an effort to find time for her and still tried his best to keep her feeling special. He tried his best to give her enough attention to keep her happy, and she appreciated his efforts, although she was becoming rather bored.

Shirley was a very curious, intelligent little girl and loved to spend time using the science set. She and Alex often fought over it, but Tyler tried to make sure they shared. The two were growing intellects that needed to be nurtured, but sometimes their precociousness was overwhelming to their parents.

“Should you really be having another baby?” Shirley asked her parents one day. “Isn’t two children enough?” Tyler laughed at his daughter.

“Sometimes parents really want more than two children,” he explained patiently.

“Well, ok,” she said as if giving her permission. “But don’t be upset when you don’t have as much time as you used to.”

“Yeah, when will you have time to do icky parent things?” Alex chimed in. Tyler laughed again and smiled at his wife, but Allyson looked slightly unhappy.

Soon, another boy was born, and Alex was psyched to have a brother. Colin was a cheerful little boy who was very creative. The two boys got along very well, and Shirley got to be the proud older sister.

Things were getting hectic in the McEntire household, and soon another baby was on its way.

“I’m so excited to have another sibling!” Colin said, being his usual chipper self.

“I hope it’s not another boy,” Shirley said making a face.

“I hope it’s not another girl!” Alex retorted. Colin just sat there smiling at the prospect of being an older brother.

Colin was always cheerful and loved to use his activity table. He was very artistic, and loved to make a mess with all of the art supplies. He was good-natured and fun-loving, but also very creative. He, of course, was the most excited for the new sibling.

Soon Timothy was born. He was the first child to have his father’s red hair, but he was very much a mama’s boy. He was a shy child who liked to be alone. He was picked on in school and didn’t have many friends, but his parents and his siblings took good care of him and loved him dearly.

With now four children, the house was busier than ever. Tyler was now working as an eSport, programming in his spare time, trying to keep his wife satisfied, and being a father to several children.

Somehow he managed to find time to work out to reach his fitness goals. He was becoming very strong and muscular, and Allyson was quite enamored with his new physique.

He still tried to sweep Allyson off her feet, and occasionally succeeded.

“Oh, Tyler, you’re so spontaneous and romantic!” she squealed as he leaned her back in his arms.

“All for you,” he said staring at her intensely with fire in his eyes that he knew would make her swoon.

Allyson, who had used her time when she wasn’t caring for the children to increase her mischief skills found time to wreak havoc on Willow Creek by sneaking into houses only to clog drains and making voodoo dolls of unsuspecting neighbors.

“It looks just like her!” she said with glee as she held up the voodoo doll to admire it, with it’s button eyes and messy stitching.”I mean if she were bald and had a kind of squished, lop-sided head!” She laughed at her creation and proceeded to tickle the doll with mirth. It filled her with such excitement to think of the poor sim doubled over in laughter at her command.

Tyler and Allyson were very busy but somehow managed to find time for each other and their own interests and pursuits. They were seen by the town as the perfect, happy family, but despite Tyler’s efforts, Allyson was becoming disinterested. With another child on the way, which would leave even less time for romance, neither knew if they could sustain their image of familial bliss.

Characters: 3.2

Shirley McEntire

Aspiration: Whiz Kid


  • Neat


Colin McEntire

Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy


  • Cheerful

Timothy McEntire

Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp


  • Loner

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The McEntire Legacy: 3.1

It was evening, and Tyler was doing some programming when he heard the sibilant voice of the statue calling to him.

“You are the chosen one…” it hissed. Tyler ran downstairs and out the door to face the statue. “You are the chosen one...” it repeated.

“Is that fair?” Tyler asked. “Delilah doesn’t even live here anymore.”

“Magic binds the heir or heiress to this property. Delilah would not have been able to leave the house if she had been the one…” the statue insisted.

“Uh...Okay,” Tyler said unsure of himself. Now he had to get his life together and stop programming in his pajamas.

Tyler had only gone on one date with Allyson, but he was quickly becoming enamored with her. He got up the courage to kiss her, and their relationship continued to blossom. He didn’t want to rush it, but he knew that he had to hurry, especially because he wanted several children.

Tyler and Allyson often spoke of the future, Tyler about many children, and Allyson about her desire for romance.

“What do you think? Seven? Ten?” Tyler asked.

“Again with the children!” Allyson said with fake exasperation. “I want children someday too, but what I want most of all is romance!” Tyler took her hand and kissed her up the arm. Allyson sighed and fanned herself with the other hand. “That’s more like it!” she said with a flirty smile.

Allyson craved romance so much that it was hard for Tyler to keep up.

“And then, I shot him in the back and the side of the head!” Tyler said, using his finger guns.

“Oh, you’re so dangerous,” Allyson sighed.

“You know I’m talking about a video game, right?” Tyler asked, wanting to make sure. Allyson ignored him and continued to swoon.

Tyler took Allyson out on several dates, and whether at the park or the movies, Allyson always managed to make them romantic. Sometimes her desire for public displays of affection made him uncomfortable, but he had grown very fond of her.

“Kiss me, you stud!” she exclaimed, pulling him towards her in the middle of the park.

“Uh...Ok!” Tyler said obediently. The couple made out in front of all the passersby, and still Allyson seemed to crave more romance.

“How come you never sweep me off my feet?” She demanded, crossing her arms. Then she went over to the bench, sat down and made a prank call.

“Hello, I’m calling from Pottymouth Inc. Did you order a giant container of cat pee?” she asked in her best customer service voice. There was a long pause from the other end of the phone.

“I think you have the wrong number, young lady,” the voice of a sweet old lady replied.

“Ok, miss, we’ll drop it off tomorrow at 2:00 AM!” Allyson insisted.

“But I didn’t order any--” Allyson hung up and giggled, clutching her sides. It occurred to Tyler that Allyson craved excitement, whether in romance or in causing mischief. He wondered if he would ever be able to give it to her, but he was falling fast for her and her strange ways.

Tyler proposed to Allyson in the park one evening. She was thrilled that he decided to pop the question at such a public venue, but slightly disappointed that he didn’t have flash mob or production number prepared. Nevertheless, Allyson had to admit to herself that she loved Tyler, and she said yes. The wedding will be more exciting and impressive, she told herself.

When the wedding came, Allyson was dressed like a diva, and was very much enjoying the attention. The wedding festivities, however, didn’t stop her from pulling pranks on unsuspecting party guests.

“Hi, I’m Delilah, Tyler’s sister,” Delilah said in an attempt to be friendly to her brother’s bride

“I’m Allyson. Nice to meet you!” Allyson said with a broad grin. Allyson shook Delilah’s hand heartily, sending a jolt through her whole body. Allyson laughed as she watched her soon-to-be husband’s sister recover from the shock.

“The mine,” Delilah responded in a daze.

The ceremony was beautiful, and Allyson found everything satisfactory. Tyler thought his bride looked lovely and was in awe of being married to such an angelic yet devilish beauty.

Allyson pulled Tyler into a passionate kiss, and the crowd cheered for the happy couple. Tyler was slightly beside himself at the bride’s forwardness and her apparent love of attention, but was very happy all the same.

As soon as the wedding ended, Tyler wanted to consummate the marriage with the intent of having their first child.

“Children already?” Allyson whined.

“We have to get started if we want a lot of children!” Tyler said enthusiastically.

Allyson laughed. “Always with the children!” she said pretending to be annoyed. “Well, ok. I have always wanted children, so I guess now is as good a time as any.”

Allyson became pregnant quickly, and Tyler was very excited.

“I can’t wait to be a father!” he said enthusiastically.

“You’ll still pay attention to me, won’t you?” Allyson asked with a sexy pout.

“You know I will,” Tyler said, kissing Allyson on the cheek. “Now lets go baby proof the house and buy some baby toys!” Allyson sighed and followed her husband as he searched the house for things he deemed too dangerous for babies. Perhaps she wouldn’t be his number one priority any more, but she was excited for the new arrival too.

Allyson delivered their first baby at the hospital, and was surprised by how full her heart felt when she first held her son. He was so small and fragile, and he was something she and Tyler had made together.

Tyler, of course, was overjoyed at the birth of his son, who they named Alex. Tyler was so excited to be a father, and couldn’t wait to be the number one dad!

Tyler and Alex became very close as Alex grew up. Alex thought that Tyler was the coolest, and Tyler adored his son. Tyler always loved to dance in the home gym, and sometimes Alex would join him!

Alex was a very intelligent little boy, and his parents were very proud of him. He took an interest in mental pursuits and did well in school.

He was quickly becoming a junior scientist and was the apple of his father’s eye. Allyson doted on him too and turned out to be a very good mother when she wasn’t busy playing pranks on people or looking for romance or attention. She wondered if she could use the science table for her own nefarious purposes. Perhaps she could make a stink potion to use on girls she thought were prettier than her. Alex was her spitting image, and she adored him. She and Tyler loved their son, and soon, it was time for another baby.

“You’re going to have a little brother or sister,” Allyson explained one evening after Alex had finished his homework.

“Oh boy! I hope it’s a brother!” he said excited.

“It could be a boy or a girl,” Allyson said, putting her hand on her enlarged belly.

“Do you think it will play with me?” Alex asked.

“I’m sure he or she will,” Allyson replied.

Tyler entered the room and wrapped his arms around Allyson.

“We’re going to be one big happy family,” he said with a proud smile.